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What is a Floodplain?

The non-technical and simplified definition of a floodplain is "an area adjacent to a body of water.  In our coastal area, natural floodplains generally include marsh areas and low-lying areas along canals and rivers. Floodplains act like reservoirs for excess rainfall and stormwater runoff by allowing flood waters to “spread out” over large areas, which reduces flooding damage by allowing more water to infiltrate the ground, and reducing flow rates.  Floodplains are also beneficial for wildlife by creating a variety of habitats for fish and other animals.


How Can I help protect our floodplains?

In order to protect our coast from flooding, we must protect our floodplains.  This means building and development within floodplains must be done wisely.  In other words, build responsibly!  Check with Brunswick’s Building Department before beginning any construction or renovation project, and read your local codes.


Another important way to protect floodplains, and reduce flooding, is to protect stormwater and our environment. Stormwater runoff washes contaminants from our lawns, streets, houses, and sidewalks into our storm drains. Storm drains discharge to our rivers, streams, creeks, and marshes without any treatment.


  • Only Rain Down the Drain! Don’t dump chemicals, lawn and yard debris, trash, or pet wastes into storm drains.  Storm drain systems are separate from wastewater and the sanitary sewer system. 


  • Pick up and properly dispose of pet wastes.


  • Reduce the amount of chemicals you use on your lawn and landscaped areas.


  • Don’t pollute stormwater by dumping trash, chemicals and other pollutants on the ground. 


  • Report illicit discharges (dumping of pollutants and chemicals such as oil and grease, fertilizers and pesticides, washing machine discharges, grass clippings and leaves, trash, sediment, and other substances that have a peculiar odor or color) to the City Code Enforcement Office at (912) 267-5587 or (912) 267-5586 or (912) 267-3703. If you see a discharge that appears to be an immediate threat to people or property call 911.




The City of Brunswick has developed an entire stormwater webpage: about how to keep stormwater clean.  The City has also developed other informational brochures for kids, landscapers, and homeowners to provide more information about ways to keep stormwater clean and help our environment.  Be sure to check these resources out!


Hey Kids! Help The “Shrimp Guys,” Popcorn & Jumbo, Stop Pollution!  - LINK


Landscaping & Homeowner Tips for a Cleaner and Healthier City  - LINK


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